Writes Josh


Writes Josh Privacy Policy:

Your privacy is VERY important. Detailed below is the kind of information collected of visitors to www.writesjosh.com ("the Website") and what happens with that information. 

This website utilizes Squarespace's embedded Analytics features and Google Analytics which gathers the following types of information:

Internet domain from which you access the Website;

IP address from which you access the Website;

Kind of devise used to access the Website;

Type of browser used to access the Website;

Operating system used to access the Website;

Date and time you access the Website;

URLs of the pages you visit on the Website;

If you visited the Website from a third party site, the URL of that third party site.

Additionally, if you subscribe to receive updates for new content, the Website will collect the name you provide and your email address in order to provide you those updates. The information collected for this purpose will NOT be shared with anyone else. This Privacy Policy will be updated if any practices regarding use of the above information changes.