Writes Josh
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A Blog About Writing and Getting Published

Embrace the Feedback

Writing Critique Feedback

As an aspiring author I do what all aspiring authors do: read, write, edit, drink copious amounts of coffee, and, of course, visit writing/critique groups.

Getting to meet with other writers has been a blast. I've gotten excellent feedback and met some FANTASTIC people. And though my journey thus far has been short, I've still noticed that some writers experience difficulty receiving feedback. Especially if they feel their work is misunderstood.

But that's the nature of art. Once you put it out there, other people get to interact with it. Even if they don't like it. Even if they don't understand it.



This was one of many colorful comments I received at a recent writer's critique workshop about a scene in my current SF novel. And he didn't say "BS".

And I LOVED it.

Sure, it may have been a little harsh, but it did provide some good insights to consider. Maybe I had too much going on in that scene? Maybe I hadn't done enough to get the reader invested in my characters. Or, even if my novel is PERFECT just the way it is, then I have a hilarious story to tell as I accept my Oscar for Greatest Movie Ever about how my future best-selling novel was initially so poorly received. And yes, of course my novel will be turned into a movie. 

So writers, I know it can be challenging, but embrace the critiques. Search for value in the feedback. If there's truly none, then at least find humor in the hate. And despite whatever's said, you can take pride knowing that your art reached an audience. Never mind how small or captive. For an aspiring author, this is evidence of courage and a modicum of success on its own.

Write On,

Writes Josh

Embrace the Feedback